Fast Track to IT (IT Career Mentoring Program)
Equipping Tomorrow's IT Leaders--Today!
Most new professionals and experienced professionals understand the foundation of any career is possessing a solid skill set in a profitable industry. We have researched and found that many professionals want to enter the IT industry, but with the large amount of career choices, the complexities of the technologies and the assumptions or myths surrounding who’s in the IT Industry and who’s can be difficult to know where to start, where they can fit in and if they can succeed--especially if transitioning from an unrelated career into the IT field. And contrary to popular belief, many existing and very successful IT Professionals are nervous because they do not know how to maintain a successful IT Career.
That's where JumpStart IT Academy comes into the picture. We are a product and service online education and leadership training company centered on assisting new and existing or transitioning professionals (of any field) by giving them the tools they need to confidently navigate the IT industry and untangle the common complexities involved with figuring out how the industry works and how they can work in the IT Industry.
We like to describe it like this (The Bus Example), you know the IT Industry (THE BUS) is what you want to do (WHERE TO GO...YOUR IT JOURNEY), but you don't know how to do it (WHERE TO SIT...THE SEAT). We step in by confirming if you are on the RIGHT BUS and give you the ability to discover and find your career path (YOUR SEAT) in the IT Industry (THE BUS) to ensure successful travels (YOUR DESTINATION...YOUR JOURNEY).
We accomplish this task by using our years of proven success of delivering courses, books, coaching and mentoring that shorten the learning curve, to help you confidently get on the RIGHT BUS and sit in the RIGHT SEAT and move towards the RIGHT DESTINATION (YOUR JOURNEY).
Our primary mission is focused on equipping tomorrow's IT Leaders--Today.
- Those who view change and problems as opportunities
- Those who understand that any sizable sum of money is earned by massive action
- Those who understand the most successful people in the world are not masterminds--but, they rely on masterminds (i.e. coaches and mentors), ensuring success at the highest levels of their endeavors
- Those who know and are confident in their own potential
- Those who believe in gaining a key relationship or entering a profitable opportunity is worth every penny they invest to enter the relationship or opportunity--because they know their capabilities will enable them to hugely benefit, and their ultimate success will greatly outweigh all of the costs
- Those who want to get rich quick in IT
- Those who take short-cuts or skip levels to gain quick success
- Those who do not have a strong work ethic
- Those who give up easily at the sight of a challenge
- Those who have big plans but no action to back-up all that gusto
- Those who lack character
- Those who do not believe in always--learning, growing and becoming and imagining
- Those who do not understand the vital and importance of mastering and maintaining marketable skills to ensure long term employment demand in the labor market--to offset economic downturns or unforeseen personal life events
- If someone does not put in the work--what I teach will not matter
- No matter how many mindset moments I deliver to someone--if they do not believe in themselves what I instruct them to do will not be achieved
- No matter how many proven strategies I give someone to succeed, if they do not take massive action--it will have no impact on them or their future
- A positive mindset is more important than experience, education, college degrees or talent
- Coaching is how you grow and get knowledgeable advice to move forward when temporarily stuck
- Mentoring is how you ensure long term growth, ongoing accountability, discipline and direction to ensure you reach your goals with the guided assistance of a proven leader who has already accomplished what you desire to do
- All high achievers have a team of coaches and mentors in their circle--the single handed business or technology superhero is a laughable myth
- Show you how to THINK like an IT LEADER
- Show you how to PLAN like an IT LEADER
- Show you how to LEARN like an IT LEADER
- Show you how to STRATEGIZE like an IT LEADER
- Show you how to INTERVIEW like an IT LEADER
- Show you how to BECOME an IT LEADER
Your Instructor
Mr. Chris Johnson is an accomplished Cisco and Microsoft technology boot camp instructor and college professor, who has clocked an impressive 20+ years in the IT industry, earning the honorable title of Senior Principal Engineer. He is also an international author, speaker, military veteran, business and real estate investor.
His coaching and mentoring team includes highly accomplished industry leaders in business and technology--highlighting and showcasing his commitment to persistent growth, personally and professionally. He is a proven technology and business thought leader, coach, mentor and authority who has a passion for empowering others to become the leaders they were created to be, by empowering them with business and technology skills to help them discover, find and use their natural gifts to benefit humanity.
Course Curriculum
StartWeek 1 - Who Am I - What I Offer - Start Up Costs (25:47)
StartWeek 2 - Your Career Options - Salary ranges And What skills are Needed for Each - Technical Opportunities (70:33)
StartWeek 3 - Your Career Options - Salary ranges And What skills are Needed for Each - Non-Technical Opportunities (48:49)
StartWeek 4 – Popular Certifications and Technology Degrees (68:21)
StartWeek 5 - Top Degrees for Technical and Non-Technical Professionals (65:44)
StartWeek 6 - How to Learn Any Technology and Keep up with the Fast Pace of Technology (78:53)
StartWeek 7 - How to Get Started - (Strategy, Planning and Curriculum Building Overview) (29:46)
StartWeek 8 - Interviews and Role Playing (42:35)
StartBonus #1 - What are the Typical Barriers of Entry into the IT Industry (23:04)
StartBonus #2 - IT Businesses You can start as a Technical or Non-technical Professional (70:38)
StartMORE Bonus Materials!
I’m loving your course you are my big model and I will be coming to you with the game plan pretty soon
This course can help you compete for jobs making $45/hr to $90/hr.
Great stuff!
Wow, thank you for this!
Very inspiring!
@MrCJohnson007 created an online course all about advancing in IT!
I’ve been listening to your Communicate Not Communihate audiobook, can’t get past Lesson 3. “Words lose their power with too much silence as silence loses its power with too many words.” Professor! Touche...All the knowledge you have access to was from books and life. And thanks for the coaching Bro! Mindset 1st.